Au programme
Hélène Orain - Masculine/Feminine in Cameron’s Work : A Victorian Work
Gwendoline Koudinoff - Julia Margaret Cameron’s Photographs in Virginia Woolf’s Writing
Maggie Humm - Virginia Woolf and Photography
Anne-Marie Smith-Di Biasio - "Out of the depths of darkness", Photography of the Unspoken in Jacob’s Room and To the Lighthouse
Jessie Alperin - Aesthetic of Interruption : the Photographic Representation of Collective Consciousness in Woolf’s Jacob’s Room
Catherine Lanone - Loathsome Postcards vs. Gates of the Past : Woolf and the Aura of Photography
Anne-Laure Rigeade - Iconic Woolf : on the use of photography in some French biofictions and biographies of Virginia Woolf
Floriane Reviron-Piégay - Figurative Disfigurement : Virginia Woolf’s Use of Photography in her Biographies
Julie Vandivere - Virginia Woolf’s Orlando : Illustrating Illegitimacy
Jane Garrity - Fashioning Photographic Syntax in Orlando